Kamukoti – My Internship Experience: 

I started my degree studies in Children’s Guidance and Early Childhood Development in 2022 and have been fortunate enough to complete all my internships so far at both Pitsku and Arabia Kamukoti Kindergartens. This has been very satisfying as I have been able to build up consistent professional working relationships with all the staff and relationships with the children and their parents. 

The reason why I chose to apply for the internship with Kamukoti was due to the Finnish and English immersion option, I was also interested in the kindergarten’s philosophy and pedagogical method of teaching and learning. The immersion of nature and education in the daily activities of the children. And especially that Kamukoti has a beautiful garden where they grow vegetables, flowers and herbs for the children, staff and families to take care and participate in the garden’s upkeep and growth. 😊 

On starting my internship, I quickly became aware of the professionalism, positiveness and openness of staff. That my work colleagues were interested in teaching and building up new skills for me to learn and apply within the group and with the children. They gave me opportunities to build up my confidence, be independent whilst learning and following instructions.  

It has been enjoyable to be with the children, getting to know them as individuals, their unique personalities, likes and quirks. To help in the process of their learning new communication, language, motor skills etc and see them developing step by step.  To play and learn with them, teaching them new skills and having fun too! To learn and observe their learnt and fun experiences through their eyes, how they see their world around them and how they communicate that to me. 


I have thoroughly enjoyed working and being with my team and the children and am thankful that Kamukoti has given me this opportunity to experience the daily working life, challenges, fun and to acquire new knowledge, new teaching methods and skills within this working environment. 

Kamu Early Education